Michael Carrera
Quick Facts:
Masters Degree in Psychology
Certified Mental Coach
Championship Collegiate Basketball and Strength and Conditioning Coach
Certified Life Coach and Mentor
Multi-Sport Athlete - baseball, basketball, lacrosse, track & field, jiujitsu, and golf.
Entire philosophy is predicated off of being a well-rounded individual that has a passion for self-development.
Michael is a big believer in “practicing what you preach” and doesn’t just talk the talk, but he also walks the walk. In his opinion, we should all be constantly striving to better ourselves in as many ways as we possibly can. A voracious reader and student of Stoic philosophy, one of Michael’s favorite quotes is by Marcus Aurelius: “Let no act be done without a purpose”. In this day and age, it’s very easy to get distracted, but Michael is a strong advocate for being mindful with absolutely everything you do within your life. He believes that we must be conscientious, otherwise we are essentially going through the motions in life which will only lead to feeling a lack of fulfillment and unhappiness within ourselves.
Regardless of where an athlete currently is, versus where they want to be, Michael is there to teach the all important mental skills that will not only enhance the performance of the athlete in their respective sport, but also have a positive impact on their lives as a whole.